“Mens Sana in Corpore Sano” A sound mind in a sound body…
That’s what Coach Your Fitness is all about. As your personal fitness and life coach, I am determined to guide you to a more balanced routine by providing you with the tools and motivation that will lead to a healthy and rewarding lifestyle.
“Mens Sana in Corpore Sano”
Let’s start with this aphorism, very well known to us but only used or added to in various sporting event speeches and which passes us by without us giving it time to think afterwards.
A beautiful sentenced conjecture many would say, myself included, a Latin maxim I didn’t understand until a few years ago.
Sport has been part of my life, in various forms, for as long as I can remember and yet late in life, when I decided to have various credentials for my profession, I understood what it meant to me, and therefore to the people I worked with.
I spent hours on end in and out of the room with various goals that didn’t really represent me, and not because I wasn’t ambitious, on the contrary, I was exaggerating I might say, but because of other more serious reasons: thoughts, frustrations, anxieties, fears… you get the idea.
In great emotional distress, the same pattern was followed by those I worked with in one-to-one training. They encouraged themselves that some of their personal struggles would be resolved by the results of the hours spent in the training room to satisfy their need for validation.
How many of you take up sport out of passion, simply because it is healthy? Nowadays, people resort to gratuitous remarks: “I don’t have time”, “It’s too expensive”, etc.
To verify these statements, it is enough to take a look at those around us, to observe what values they have, and what their priorities are, and we will undoubtedly understand why people end up doing sports forced by circumstances.
When our health is not so great anymore when the media pushes us towards perfection when our life partner shows signs of not appreciating us anymore, the side effects of pregnancy, that long-awaited holiday with “that” specially purchased swimsuit that still doesn’t fit us, frustrations arise that have to do with the physical, with how we feel in our skin.
That’s how the concept was born: Coach you Fitness. After hours and hours spent in my head with my thoughts during workouts I realized that, at various times in my life, the purpose I was working for was not personal but just trying to cover various fears and frustrations.
Later on I noticed the same pattern in people I worked with, either they didn’t make time for the sport on time and ended up with various postural problems, either couple problems or simply because it’s a cool trend to go to the gym and there goes the venerable Latin maxim “Mens Sana in Corpore Sano” losing its true value.
I confess that I came to this concept through my own life experience but I am here today to help you find the solution to “I don’t have time”; “I don’t know what I like”; “I’m going on holiday”, “I’m having problems in my relationship”, to anxieties and fears so that sport can remain a constant in your life, a long lost passion maybe or a new found one.
My goal is to guide you to figure out what you want, what you really want behind the hours spent with me training, to interpret your attitude towards sport correctly, without persecuting yourself before.
I'm Iulia, how can i help you?
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